Class RegulNet

  • public class RegulNet
    extends Object
    Model to link a timetable and a net place are linked to events with tableEvent.addPlaceName(placeNumber); table event are linked to transitions with transition.addLinkedEvent(tableEvent); transition are linked to table event with te.addTransName(transitionNumber);


    • Constructor Detail

      • RegulNet

        public RegulNet​(TimeTable t,
                        PhysicalModel n)
        Constructor for an Regulated Petri Net
        t - the timetable
        n - the physical model
    • Method Detail

      • buildCorrespondance

        public void buildCorrespondance()
        --unused-- Creates the correspondance/link between the timetable events and the places and transitions of the physical model
      • LoadCorrespondance

        public String LoadCorrespondance​(String fname)
        load the correspondance file, call handleLineCorr method for each each line
        fname - the name of the file containing a correspondance table
      • handleLineCorr

        public String handleLineCorr​(String lineString,
                                     int lineNb)
        load a line from the input file
        lineString - a line of the input file
        lineNb - the number of the line in the input file
      • setTable

        public void setTable​(TimeTable tt)